For Luke's birthday, we went to Chuck E. Cheese. This was rather brave, considering the wonderful experience the last time we went. I won't go into it right now (too long of a story), but let's just say there was throw-up, weird people, and bad service involved. Needless to say, we received a free family pass to go back and experience the greatness of Chuck E. Cheese again. It wasn't quite as bad this time...but I should say, the weird people are still there. I could stay all night and just people-watch...amazing!
Luke had a great time though! He especially loved Chuck E. Cheese (who I find quite creepy). He actually kissed him on the nose...hopefully he doesn't get Hepatitis or some crazy illness.
Grandma Judy came to celebrate with us and after a couple of hours of fun we headed home to play with Luke's new toys.
Happy Birthday, Luke!! I sure love this little guy!